
Sunday, October 28, 2012

TOP 5: Characters To Play As In Playstation All-Stars

Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale releases on both PS3 and PSVita in less than a month. The final roster has been fully unveiled for a while now and I have participated in the public beta for the last two weeks. Below are my five most anticipated characters to play as in the game.

Number Five: Dante
Series: Devil May Cry

Now personally, I have only played one Devil May Cry game, and that was the first one, and I only played the first 7 missions of it. The reason I am excited for Dante is not because of the franchise he comes from. If that were the case, I would probably be upset with the inclusion of the DmC Dante rather than the original, which personally I do not care. The reason I am excited to play as Dante is because of his gameplay video, which shows off that he is a master of weapons. Dante seems like he has a great variety of moves that can pull of insane combos in the game. For this reason, I am quite excited to try him out, and who knows, if I like him enough, maybe I'll even pick up a copy of DmC in January when it released. 

Number Four: Raiden
Series: Metal Gear  

The picture I have included is obviously not the standard Raiden artwork for the game, but rather his alternate costume. I personally prefer this design, although I am no Metal Gear expert and have never played any of the games, although I plan to in the future. The main reason I am excited for Raiden is because he seems to be one of the fastest characters in the game. After watching his gameplay video, he immediately reminded me of Sheik from Smash Bros, who is one of my mains. For this reason, I am excited to give Raiden a chance, although I do wish they included Snake in this game.

Number Three: Jak 
Series: Jak & Daxter

Yes, I referred to the character as Jak, because let's be honest, Daxter isn't going to do much. I have recently played all three Jak & Daxter games and had previously played the Daxter spin-off when I first bought my PSP. Jak is easily one of my favorite first-party characters in the Playstation universe and I am excited to see him in action. His Level 3 super in particular has me interested, as I would love to play as Light Jak. My one disappointment with Jak, which is why he is only number three on my list, is that his design in the game is quite ugly. I don't know why the developers didn't take more time in making him look like he did in Jak 2 or Jak 3, but they really made a mistake on this one.

Number Two: Ratchet
Series: Ratchet & Clank

When I first bought my PS2, it was back in 2009, long after the generation had ended. The two reasons I bought my PS2 were to play the Kingdom Hearts franchise and to play the Ratchet and Clank franchise. Although I never did finish Going Commando, I loved the first Ratchet and Clank and adored the third. This eventually lead me to buy a PS3 so I could play more Ratchet & Clank games which definitely did not disappoint. Much like Dante, Ratchet seems to be a master of weapons in the game, the difference being Dante is a master of melee weapons and Ratchet is a master of ranged weapons. There are elements from all the games in his character, such as the Vac-U from the latest game or his Level 2 being from Clank's gameplay in a Crack in Time. All in all, Ratchet looks like a great character to play as and I am looking forward to trying him upon release.

Number One: Cole MacGrath
Series: inFamous

inFamous is easily my favorite Playstation series. It was the first game I owned when I bought my PS3 and it is the game I have replayed the most. Cole, being the hero of inFamous, is also my favorite of the PS All-Stars and it seems like they have got his character spot on, mixing his abilities from both inFamous and inFamous 2, including his special ice powers in some of his moves and his Level 2 super. The reason I have included the Good Karma Cole as my number one as opposed to the Evil Karma Cole is based purely on his alternate costume. Good Cole's alternate costume is none other than Kessler, the villain of inFamous. The costume is spot on and it even changes his lightning white, which I am extremely excited for. Cole will DEFINITELY be one of my mains in this game and he will also be the first character I try when I pick up the game on November 20th. 

Giuliano V.           

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