
Sunday, December 9, 2012

TOP 100 Villains (Top 5)

Okay, so here's the thing. We argued for a good 30 minutes over these top 5 and could not for the life of us put them into any order over so much dispute. Instead, we have composed the "Top 5 Villains of All Time" and each have our own pick for the Top Villain. You can put them into any order you like if you please, but this is how we have to do this one.

Giuliano V's Top Villain
Emperor Palpatine AKA Darth Sidious
Origin: Star Wars
Nemesis: Yoda, Luke Skywalker

I know many people believe that Darth Vader is not only the greatest Star Wars villain of all time, but the greatest villain of all time. Unfortunately to these people, Darth Vader is NOT the best villain of all time because he was actually responsible for destroying the best villain of all time. Darth Sidious, or Emperor Palpatine if you prefer, is the most cunning and most powerful of any Sith to ever threaten the galaxy. He conspired a gigantic plan spanning over several decades that was responsible for the Clone Wars, the destruction of the Jedi, and the creation of the Death Star. Sidious was a master of deceit and persuasion, and using it, was able to turn both Anakin Skywalker and Count Dooku to the dark side, and almost turned Luke as well. Sidious, despite being hella old, is still highly deadly with a lightsaber, proving to be an equal match for Master Yoda and was only able to be defeated by some cheap shot by his own apprentice. Sidious himself is also a master of betrayal, not only betraying every single apprentice he ever had, but also betraying his own master. Waiting in the shadows for so many years allowed for the Sith Lord to work his way to Emperor whilst still manipulating the Galaxy into war and destruction. Darth Sidious stands on a pedestal of darkness as my top villain of all time.

Matteo C's Top Villain
The Joker
Origin: Batman
Nemesis: Batman

The most creepy, insane and all time greatest villain in my eyes. The Joker is the main antagonist in one of the most famous comic book series of all time and always gets overshadowed by villains like Magneto and Doctor Doom. He is driven by his insanity and he will do everything possible to slowly chip away at Batman's sanity and inevitably kill the Dark Knight. His unpredictability and twisted sense of humor even gives the Batman family a hard time. He has escaped from high security asylums, brutally killed Robin, paralyzed Batgirl not to mention terrorizing Gotham City countless times with just his iconic Joker gas and a bit of dynamite. The Clown Prince of Crime is wicked and funny to the core. He is arguably the most iconic villain of all time because his character has been reinvented in all forms of media by actors like Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill and most recently Heath Ledger. The Joker is the epitome of any criminal or villain and he never gets the appreciation he truly deserves.

Gino C's Top Villain
Origin: The Legend of Zelda
Nemesis: Link, Zelda

Ganondorf is the wicked and destructive leader of the Gerudo tribe in the Legend of Zelda series. Initially, Ganondorf was introduced as Ganon, an evil demon pig who captures Zelda and tries to take over Hyrule, but in A Link to the Past, Ganon was revealed to have once been the thief Ganondorf before he was turned into the demonic pig-like beast. Ganondorf is the holder of the Triforce of Power and has been the nemesis of many iterations of Link and Zelda throughout the timeline. Ganondorf first attained the Triforce of Power in Ocarina of Time, where he tricked Link into opening the Sacred Realm for him, where he found the complete Triforce, but due to his wicked heart, was denied the complete essence and only given the Triforce of Power. Eventually, in Wind Waker, Ganondorf succeeds in completing the full Triforce, although his is quickly foiled before he is able to make his wish. Ganondorf is the greatest villain of all time because he lacks empathy in every way. Ganondorf is does not care who he hurts or how many are harmed in his quest to achieve ultimate power, using countless puppet over the course of the series and in two of the timelines, being responsible for the destruction of his entire race. What many do not know about Ganondorf is that he was actually responsible for ending the great war of Hyrule. His motive for this was to gain the trust of the King of Hyrule, so that he would not suspect his betrayal in trying to find the Triforce and Ocarina of Time. Ganondorf is a mastermind who will do anything to achieve power, even if it means betraying any ally he has ever had. For this reason, Ganondorf deserves the spot of top villain.

Justin D's Top Villain
Arthas Menethil AKA The Lich King
Origin: World of Warcraft
Nemesis: Illidan, Tirion

Arthas Menethil was a prince who had good intentions at first. This prince was brought up in the Kingdom of Lordaeron for good and when he was old enough he even joined an order that served the Holy Light called the Order of the Silverhand. But things can change which was exactly the case with Arthas. Arthas' journey led him to try defending his kingdom from a cult that unleashed a horrible plague upon it which turned it's inhabitants into undead, in a certain city called Stratholme Arthas attempted to remove this plague by killing his own people before they became infected. Arthas continued his vengeful crusade against the undead by seeking out a cursed sword in a faraway land which caused him to become even more insane and corrupted. This sword called Frostmourne influenced Arthas' thoughts and because of this Arthas brutally betrayed his kingdom by killing his best friend, murdering his own father and king, and destroying the order he once served. When all this had finished Arthas became the leader of the undead "Scourge" and further brought destruction to many parts of Azeroth. Arthas ended up fusing with an ancient spirit that brought Arthas much more power and turned him into a force that threatened the safety of all of Azeroth. All in all Arthas is one evil prince that massacred many innocent inhabitants of Azeroth and definitely deserves to be the top villain.

Riley D's Top Villain
Kefka Palazzo
Origin: Final Fantasy
Nemesis: Terra 

Anyone who's played Final Fantasy VI should know why Kefka is on here. He's an existential nihilist who thinks the only sensible thing in life is to destroy, which in itself paints a pretty good picture at just how malicious he is. To put it into perspective, he's like Joker, except Joker is potentially insane which makes him less evil and more, well, insane whereas Kefka is fully cognizant of his actions. Theories speculate that experimentation done on him to give him magic capabilities also ended up horribly disturbing him and making him as twisted and monstrous as he is in the game. Although appearing frequently throughout the game, Kefka was not the viewed as the primary villain up until near the end of the game, where he kills the Emperor he was serving, attains godly powers and usurps his rule. Adding to everything else, he's an unrelenting and manipulative sadist and goes throughout the game tormenting the player's party. To top it off, his laugh, his theme and his fight music (essentially an epic 20 minute organ solo) are all amazing. Kefka also succeeded where many other villains failed, in that he actually attained godhood, he then used the power of said godhood and HE KILLED EVERYONE IN THE WORLD (player's party excluded) AND REDUCED IT TO A DESOLATE WASTELAND. Kefka wins.

Honourable Mentions
There are quite a few villains who slipped our minds while making these lists which we would like to give a shout out to in this section.

Voldemort- Harry Potter
Fawful- Super Mario
Dimentio- Super Mario
Bowser Jr. - Super Mario
Majora- The Legend of Zelda
G-Man- Half-Life
Maleficent- Sleeping Beauty
Magus- Chrono Trigger
Chuckles the Silly Piggy- Dave the Barbarian
Giygas- Earthbound
Psycho Mantis- Metal Gear Solid
Jack of Blades- Fable 
Pennywise- It

Thank you for following our epic countdown of Top Villains. We hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for Top 100 Protagonists in the very near future!

Giuliano V.
Matteo C.
Gino C.
Justin D.
Riley D.


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